All players must have these documents on file in order to be able to play. Each form must be updated yearly.
West Feliciana Middle School believes athletics is an important part of a student-athlete’s total educational experience. The success of our athletic programs is based on student-athletes’ abilities to balance their participation with their academic requirements. In athletics, our goal is to provide a structured environment where our student-athletes can develop responsibility, work ethic, and self-discipline.
Being involved in athletics provides the student with opportunities to learn skills, good sportsmanship, develop leadership skills and learn ideals of fair play and ethical behavior that are necessary for competition and cooperation in society. It should also provide students with the unique opportunities for self-discipline, self-sacrifice, and loyalty to the school and the team. West Feliciana Middle School encourages all students to participate in athletics by offering a well-rounded series of programs for young men and women.
ATTENDANCE - Attendance at school is an expectation of our student-athletes. A student is not allowed to participate in after school activities if he is not in attendance on that day. Student-athletes must attend at least one-half of the total class periods to be eligible for the practice/game that day. Students with an excuse from parent(s) may be exempt from school and permitted to practice or compete on the day of competition. These absences will require an administrator’s approval.
ACADEMICS - In order to be eligible for athletics, a student at WFMS must have passing grades in all subjects during any given nine weeks grading period. Any student-athlete failing 1 subject will be placed on probation until their grade improves. This should be a time used for academic improvement. A student athlete with 2 or more failing subjects will be suspended until the grades improve. They will not be allowed to practice or play in games during this time. If this occurs, at the end of the two weeks he will be reinstated on the team. Grades will be checked by the Athletic Director every two weeks during the season.
BEHAVIOR - Middle School Athletics are privileges afforded to students who represent West Feliciana Middle School in a positive manner. Students may be denied participation in the Middle School Athletics Program if they fail to maintain good behavior. The athletic director and administration will review students’ discipline to determine their eligibility to participate in the Middle School Athletic Program. If a player receives TOR as a punishment, they will not be allowed to play at least ½ of a game. If a student is suspended from school, they are not allowed to attend practice or games during the suspension and they will not be allowed to play for 1 full game upon their return. If a child receives a 2nd suspension during the season, they will be removed from the team.
Athletic achievement requires commitment from all athletes, parents, coaches, and administrators. To be a successful program, effective communication must occur. The athletic department and administration believe strongly in being accessible to parents and supportive of the coaching staff.
A player should understand that playing on a team is a privilege, not a right, and should strive to do everything that is asked of them during practices and games.
A player should understand that academic commitments have the highest priority and will make every effort to maintain a good scholastic and behavioral record.
A player participating in athletics is expected to follow all team rules, regulations, and guidelines established by the coaching staff and athletic department.
A player will conduct himself on and off the playing field in a manner which will bring credit to himself, his team, and West Feliciana Middle School.
A player should remember that as a member of the West Feliciana Middle School athletic program they are representing the school in the community and should do their best to uphold a positive image for West Feliciana Middle School.
A parent should not discuss with a coach: playing time, team strategy or play calling, or other student-athletes.
SPORTSMANSHIP - As members of the West Feliciana Middle School athletic program, students, coaches and parents are expected to demonstrate proper respect for each other, opponents, opposing coaches, teachers, officials, spectators, and the community. Student athletes and coaches are expected to exhibit the highest level of conduct, both on and off the playing fields, as they are at all times a representative of their team and school.
QUITTING OR BEING REMOVED - Any student-athlete who withdraws or is dismissed from a particular team before the season has ended for that sport may not practice or try out for another sport before the season has ended for the sport he had withdrawn from or been dismissed from.
DUAL PARTICIPATION - Participation on a school athletic team and a non-school activity, which includes but not limited to an outside athletic team, at the same is generally allowed. Student-athletes who participate in non-school activities while participating on a school athletic team MUST make their school participation the priority. A student-athlete may not miss any activity related to the school athletic team to participate in a non-school activity. Consequences will be enforced by the head coach of that particular team.