- Natchitoches Mayor, Lee Posey, University of Northwestern Department Head of Teaching and Learning, Dr. Kim McAlister, and Associate Director of Northwestern Alumni Affairs, Mr. Van Erikson, visited our early childhood programs at Early Head Start, Head Start, and Bains Lower to learn more about our top performing programs!
Mr. Van Erikson learns from kindergartener De'Caryous Dixon who demonstrates how to operate an Ozobot.
Natchitoches Mayor Posey, Dr. McAlister, and Mr. Van Erikson are introduced to the STEM class by De'Caryous Dixon.
Mayor Posey discussed the vision for STEM at Bains Lower with Ms. Natasha Hayes, Bains Lower STEM teacher.
Bains Lower students Hoyt Bradford, Carissa Ferguson, Jalen Sullivan, and May Kozan write code and build a city for their Ozobots.
- Bains Lower students Kyndal Persons, Parker Airhart, and C'Myriah Roach lead the Monday Morning Announcements to get the last week of school off to a great start!
- Bains Students are the Best! Even on the last week of school, students were reading, researching, reviewing BrainPop content, and creating with Kidspiration-- All on the hallways BEFORE school!
Zane Weller
Georgi Tucker and Kylee Williams
Curtis Minor
- Isabella Bertucci is one of our fourth graders at Bains Elementary! Isabella has demonstrated incredible courage and inspiration to all of us while battling Luekemia. Her classmates welcomed her back to class to celebrate her and her journey.
Ms. Thibodeaux presents Isabella with a pillow signed by her classmates!
Isabella receives a 2017 WFHS State Championship Football signed by all of the players and coaches!
Isabella and her 4th grade classmates!
- Congratulations go to William LeDoux for winning 1st place and Quinn Levasseur for winning 3rd place in the 2018 Environmental Awareness Student Art & Language Arts Contest! In addition to a prize, William and Quinn will be honored at the Louisiana Governor's Mansion on June 12!
William LeDoux
Quinn Levasseur
- Congratulations goes to WFMS 8th Grader, Steven Harris, for earning a Merit Scholarship to the Southern University Band Camp!
- At our May 15 school board meeting, we were able to honor each board member for their hours put forth for professional learning and training, our teachers who received grants from the West Feliciana Education Foundation, AMBA, and A+Pel, our State Nurse of the Year, Ms. Dana Wallis, and Ms. Becky Johnson who led our AdvancEd Re-Accreditation this year.
School Board Members
AMBA/A+Pel Educator Grant Award Winners
West Feliciana Education Foundation Teacher Grant Award Winners
Louisiana School Nurse of the Year, Ms. Dana Wallis
Ms. Becky Johnson - Lead Chair for AdvancEd Reaccreditation
- 8th grade graduation was impressive. This class was our first class to begin leading the Veteran's Day Program and the first class at WFMS to commit to more extensive community service projects. The future for the Class of 2022 is very bright. #Classof2022

- WFHS students volunteer to help at Bains Lower Field Day!
- 5th Grade Graduation rocks! WFMS here we come! #Classof2025
- Bains Elementary Honors the success of 2nd, 3rd, and 4th graders!
Ryan Johnson received a football signed by LSU Tiger Head Coach Ed Orgeron for making tremendous strides this school year!
- Head Start is the beginning of our success! #BeginWithTheEndinMind
Brooklyn Reed and Kalli Dunn
Adalynn Moon and Macee Neely
Theodore Gaddy and Amarion Scott
- WFMS students participated in job interviews this week so that they could begin to learn the interpersonal skills and the preparation that it takes to impress a potential employer. A special thanks goes to our community members who volunteered to interview our students.
Gavin Davis and Mr. Jim Morgan
Ms. Debera Seals and Nicholas David
Michael Washington and Mrs. Janis Crutchfield
Ms. Mica Cooper with Justin Gremillion
- Jesse Landry, WFHS Senior, testifies in the legislature on on the positive impact of dual enrollment. I received numerous texts about Jesse's impressive testimony. Dual enrollment (college credit courses in high school) is an important opportunity for our students. I am thankful for students like Jesse who took the time and effort to share the importance of dual enrollment with the legislature.
- It is so exciting to see our students set academic goals and then to meet those goals. In Pre-K, the goal is for 80% of our students to attain a level of proficiency in letter recognition.
- At WFHS, the students never stop learning! After finishing exams on the last day, the students were taught how to change a tire, self defense, yoga, Zumba, surviving college, basic car maintenance, and ballroom dancing!

- Skittles is a fun game at Bains Lower! I have never played the game, but the students love it!