We live too much out of our memories, too little out of our imagination -- too much on what is or has been, not enough on what can be. That's like trying to drive forward by looking in the rear view mirror.
~ Stephen Covey
School Board Meeting ~
October 16
- We hope that you are able to come out and support the Saints and see all of the homecoming activities, but if you can't, you can check the game out on Livestream by clicking here.
- Harrison Warner (Bains 4th Grader & member of the Class of 2027) has a dream of becoming a soldier. On homecoming week, he was able to showcase what he would like to be in the future as a part of our homecoming activities.
- 3rd graders use physical science and problem solving to create marble paths in Mrs Dubea's STEM class. Will Noble, Markell Glasper, Trinity Hatch, Kasey Harris.
- 2nd graders Rylie Castille, Ronald White and Allen Sullivan working with their class to analyze a poem with Mrs Trisler and Ms Duncan.
- Travis Norsworthy and Serenity Lee making words using magnetic letter tiles with Mrs. Hughes and Mrs. Sage.
- In West Fel, we all learn and grow with each day! One of the ways that we offer an opportunity to grow is our West Fel Teacher's Academy! #GrowthMindset
Teachers work collaboratively during the West Fel Teacher Academy to create a T-chart of what Instructional Outcomes "Are and Are Not" using an excerpt from the Compass Rubric.
- Mrs. Parker, Mrs. Pritchard, and Mrs. Hughes receive professional development in the implementation of the zSpace lab.
- Ja'Zephine Banks and Mikayla Stewart are using chicken eggs to study embryological development and similarities among species in Mrs. Hurst's and Ms. Garrett's 8th grade science classrooms.
- Senior Jack Hosford stands near a video game that he built while sophomore Ben Dougharty plays the game.
- Sophomores Ben Dougharty and Trevor Blankenship play a video game built by senior Jack Hosford in the high school commons area.
- Senior Eric Patton takes a turn on a video game built by senior Jack Hosford while Ben Dougharty, Trevor Blankenship, and Corinthia Felton watch the game progress.
- Baby Kaiden D. is making strides in Early Head Start. He is now sitting up in a high-chair for his feedings at the age of 5 months!
- Anabelle B. is "unlocking" her knowledge in Head Start by matching the upper case letter on the lock to the lower case letter on the key!
- Mariyah G. is in the "Winning Spirit" as West Feliciana Parish celebrates Homecoming! She is playing a board game by matching upper and lower case letters!
- Mr. Keith Courville (Association of Professional Educators of Louisiana) visited our STEM programs at Bains Lower, Bains, the lab at WFMS, and of course, the student built video arcade at WFHS.
- Students Derek Daniel, Michael Lobrano, and Allack Ricks work on complex circuits in Dr. Theriot's class. The students built a working FM radio using lab kits.
- Mrs. Marissa Doherty and Mrs. Layla Dupuy combined their English II classes for a gallery walk during which they compared a similar subject matter in two different texts, The Jungle and Fast Food Nation.

- Students enjoy an engaging Dual Enrollment class led by Ms. Layla Dupuy through Southeastern Louisiana University. Dual Enrollment offers our students an opportunity to gain college credit for very little to no cost. That's called Win-Win!
- Congratulations go to Ms. Lynn Ellison and Michael Corlew! Ms. Ellison was recognized as the Teacher of the Week and Michael was recognized as the Student of the Week by YurView at WFHS versus Live Oak football game.
- Brennan Taylor and Ava Robertson (Picture 1) and Michael Ann Middleton and Lenaria Emery (Picture 2) analyze theme and determine supporting details in Mrs. Carla Jackson's 3rd grade English class. The students are reading The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore by William Joyce.
- Bains Lower 1st graders in Mrs. Morgan's class started off Monday and Homecoming Week with the Pledge of Allegiance on Channel 2.
- Congratulations go to Don Ford, Jr., Andrew Klein, and Abby Funderburk as Leaders of the Week at Bains Lower!
Don Ford, Jr.
Andrew Klein
Abby Funderburk
- In Mrs. Christian St. Romain's Kindergarten class, the students were excited to get the opportunity to create a "Graffiti Wall" similar to the walls the character CJ saw on his bus ride through the city. The book Last Stop on Market Street follows a young boy named CJ, who learns to appreciate the beauty in everyday things during a bus ride.
Henry Shaw, Asher Stafford, Kamryn Davis, James Harvey, King Ernest, Ben McConnell, Ryan Daniel, and Braylen Tate
Kennedy Dukes
- Congratulations go to Rowdy Anthony, Eythan Clark, and Ella McKinney for completing the Masonic Dyslexic Training Program. These students demonstrated hard work, persistence, and a commitment to improve their reading ability. A special thanks goes to Masonic Lodge 31 for partnering with us to serve this program. For more information about the program, please click here.
- A special thanks goes to Sydnee Cutrer and Emily St. Romain for leading the call out announcement on Sunday so that students and parents would know the early dismissal schedule for homecoming. Both girls were articulate and enthusiastic so that everyone received the pertinent information. We are excited about homecoming week!
- Little Jimmy Reed, International Blues Star, was born and raised in Hardwood, LA. On September 25, Little Jimmy Reed will play for our WFMS and WFHS Band students in the WFHS Auditorium from 9:00 AM-10:00 AM. The public is invited as well. For bio information on Little Jimmy Reed, please click here. If you are not able to make seeing Little Jimmy Reed at the WFHS Auditorium, he is playing at The Francis Southern Table from 6:00-9:00 PM.
- The 2018 West Feliciana Education Foundation Dodgeball Challenge will be Saturday, October 6th at the West Feliciana Sports Park. For more information on the foundation or the challenge, please click here.
Happy Homecoming Week in Saintsville!

