- Congratulations go to Ms. Emily Flanders, WFHS Science Teacher! Ms. Flanders applied and received a competitive grant through the Louisiana Department of Education Tuition Program, which funds graduate school courses for teachers. #GrowthMindset
- Mr. Jim Carroll, secondary supervisor and former principal of WFHS, was honored by DARE for his commitment to the program at the annual Drug Awareness Christmas Luncheon!
WFHS SADD members, Lauren Mendenhall and Jazmine Bishop, volunteer at the Drug Awareness Christmas Celebration
- Ms. Deborah Sternburg made a presentation to the St. Francisville Rotary on the Young Entrepreneur's Academy (YEA!). WFHS has three students, Jack Hosford, Mary Elizabeth Barrow, and Lilly Ray, that are participating in the inaugural program. Jack Hosford, WFHS Senior, spoke to the group about the importance of the program. These students will learn the key principles of business through developing a business plan from beginning to end.
Jack Hosford describes the video game he created and what he is learning in the Young Entrepreneurs Academy.
WFHS Senior and Young Entrepreneurs Academy participant, Jack Hosford, shows off a video game to fellow Rotarians while WFHS Principal Abby Cochran and Young Entrepreneurs Academy Executive Director Deborah Sternburg discuss the importance of the program.
Young Entrepreneurs Academy Executive Director, Ms. Deborah Sternburg, West Feliciana Superintendent Hollis Milton, and Program Director Ms. Gina Short
- The WFMS Choir & Band Christmas Concert on Wednesday night brought good tidings to all in attendance. A special SHOUT OUT! goes to Ms. Cierra Fountain and Ms. Taylor Garrett and their students for a wonderful performance.
- Congratulations go to Tommy Lastrapes for being the first student to reach the 100 point club at Bains Lower!
- Bains Lower students, Rylee Thevis, Asher Stafford, Bridget Hanna, and Margaret Bell lead the Monday Morning Announcements at Bains Lower! Students use a lot of energy and enthusiasm with the announcements so that all students and employees have a great start to their day. The students recite the pledge, the mission statement, the 7 Habits, and just when you thought that was enough-- they sing and dance. Their announcements work better than coffee!
- Dwight Gwin and Da'Vionta Dixon enjoy reading during Reader's Workshop!
- Ms. Megan Viguerie reviews sight words with her class.
- Cody Bryant, Kaya Blackwell, Taylor Summers, and Gabby Orcino work out the logistics of dealing with a natural disaster in Ms. Taylor Garrett's science class.
- Paisley Anselmi has been working hard all week learning CVC words. Now, she is enthusiastic to show her teacher what she knows!!
- Mary Olivia is excited that Ms. Shonte Leonard is helping her take an Accelerated Reader test!
- Ms. Sam Rachal's students practice segmenting the sounds that they hear in words and then writing them on their white boards!!
- Laura Pownall and Da'Mere Sibley are focused and work quietly during centers on their iPads.
- Alicia Lofton uses her time wisely completing a Contraction activity!
- Ms. Holly Caffarel leads a discussion during Guided Reading.
- Mr. Coleman reads holiday story to the Head Start children while Ms. Nora and Treylen C. are listening intently.
- Ms. Brenda assists the Head Start children (Ki'Mya H., Bryson W. and Treylen C.) as they help bring their "evergreen tree" to life!
- Freshmen Trey Jones and Quentin Scott work together on a midterm study guide in Mr. Dyer's Physical Science class.
- Freshmen Catherine Hodges and Laryn Giroir work together on their World Geography study guide in Ms. Brandon's class.
- Ms. Nicole Means reviews post-World War II Germany with her 7th hour World Geography course to prepare for upcoming exams.
- Sa'Maria Berry and Rustin Hill are making a "Cypher Wheel" to learn the Greek alphabet in Ms. Lacy Jewell's classroom.
- Kindergartners use engineering skills to make musical instruments for their Christmas play. (Jingle Bells)
- Nuts and Bolts Christmas Tree Project for the STEM Club Christmas Party.
- Ms. Monica Treweek is working with Calabria Jack and Ah'Mani Jarvis on their culminating writing task in ELA.
- Austin Johnson, Angel Blanchard, Ethan Benton, Emma Folse, and Savannah Gunter are working on stations to learn about the Law of Conservation of Matter in Ms. Bridget Bush's science class.
- Chris Lathrop, Mary Catherine Lott, and Sydney Cooper analyze information in the library for their ELA research project.
- Bains Lower Elementary first grade student, Thomas Sawyer, creates a Gravity Drop Coaster with Legos.

- Bains and Bains Lower students focus on reading before the official bell rings to start the day!
Peyton Kimball
Ben Klein
Brinkley Monceret
Tavaris London
Jerry Lofton
Savannah Worley
Ariannah Smith
Lawrelynn Dixon
Layla Vavasseur and Ja'Colby Davis
Dwight Gwin
Parker Dreher
- WFHS Cheerleaders, WFHS NJROTC, and WFHS SADD Club participate in the annual Christmas in the Country Parade.