7-0 Kinder in lead at end of first quarter

Good Afternoon,
All of our facilities are ready and school will be open tomorrow!
Go Saints!

The WFMS Tennis Team celebrated the end of the season with a pizza party. The team went 4-1 with wins over Zachary, Dunham, Parkview and City Park. Their only loss came to UHigh. Special awards were given to the following players:
Charles Fox-Smith "Top Scorer"
Alex Gonzales "Most Team Spirit"
Naya Rogers "Most Improved"
Lilly Higgins "Most Valuable Player"
Mary Jane Opperman "Sportsmanship Award"

Congratulations to the Saints Volleyball team for a great season. Although they lost their Bi-District Playoff game to Ursuline Academy, they finished strong. We are proud of our Saints! #wearewestfel

Please advise:
Good Evening,
Strong thunderstorms are predicted for tonight and into the early morning tomorrow between 5:00-8:00 AM. Because of concerns with hazardous road conditions, we have decided to close school tomorrow, November 1. We apologize for any inconvenience but safety for our children is the highest priority. #wearewestfel

Good Afternoon,
Strong thunderstorms are predicted for tonight and into the early morning tomorrow. We will be monitoring the weather in the early morning hours and our sheriff’s office will be monitoring the roads. We ask that everyone take extra precaution in the morning. Our plan is to have school tomorrow. If circumstances change, we will communicate updates through a call out, social media, and a media release.

Always a teachable moment. 4th grade "punny" Halloween, addressing those standards for figurative language RL.4.4 and L.4.5

West Fel defeats Brusly 41-14
Go Saints!

Little Jimmy Reed, International Blues Star, makes his return to West Feliciana today! He played for our high school band, our local rotary, our council on aging, and you can catch him at The Francis tonight from 6:00-9:00.

We need substitutes! Please sign up with Kelly Services -

Wake up West Fel! It’s Homecoming Week! Happy Monday! Go Saints!

Happy Friday! Go Saints!

Happy Thursday!!

Chromebooks are here for 1st and 3rd grades!

Happy Wednesday! #wearewestfel

Kindergartners at Bains Lower learn about 9/11 and how they can all be heroes by helping their fellow Americans everyday.

Happy Tuesday! #wearewestfel

Happy Monday! #wearewestfel

Happy Friday! Go Saints!

Happy Thursday!